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What is an EMI?
How is an EMI calculated?
What are the incentives offered by lending institu...
What are the eligibility conditions for a home loan?
What are the interest rates offered for home loans...
What is the best way to select the cheapest home l...
What is a fixed rate of interest?
What is a floating rate?
What are the other costs that usually accompany a ...
What are the repayment period options?
How do HFCs decide on the loan amount?
Are securities required for home loans?
Do I require a guarantor to get a home loan?
What is the time required for loan application app...
What is the time required for loan disbursement?
Can I make joint applications for home loans?
What are the tax benefits of home loans?
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What is a fixed rate of interest?
Some institutions have a fixed rate of interest, which means the rate of interest remains unchanged for the entire duration of the loan. This means you do not benefit, even if rates of interest drop in the market.
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